
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™
Abu, David 13.3
Agi, Rifat 16.1
Aguiar, Paul 8.8
Altieri, Marc 6.7
Amado, Jake 5.3
Anderson, Steven 22.8
Bailey, Jeff 10.0
Baker, Glenn 21.1
Bamrick, Kirk 8.8
Barnes, Mark 16.3
Batchelor, Steve 7.3
Beachley, Grant 4.0
Bishop, John 12.4
Bleem, Paul 13.0
Bourgeois, Andrew 9.1
Boyer, Bruce 17.8
Caban, Mitchell 19.8
Campbell, Brian 9.9
Castaneda, Tony 3.6
Christian, Damien 7.9
Cisneros, Marco 6.8
Claar, Tim 14.3
Clark, Steve 9.8
Corral, David 11.3
Cowger, Jon 18.9
Crafton, Keith 21.4
Curiel, David 8.7
Cuyugan, Rory 10.1
Davis, Brad 14.1
Devine, Tim 16.7
Dimas, Tom 10.8
Dodge, Bill 14.4
Ecker, Richard 24.6
Esparza, Pete 25.5
Esparza, Phillip 12.4
Ewell, Chasen 19.0
Ewell, Darrell 14.3
Foucrier, Eric 10.2
Gardner, Colon 19.3
Giacomini, John 8.8
Gilliam, Roger 9.4
Guerrero, Matt 43.8
Guerrero, Raul 19.1
Guillen, Peter 11.7
Heffern, Bill 3.6
Heffern, Tom 8.8
Hill, Richard 3.6
Hyman, Tracy 4.0
Jamison, Jim 3.1
Journigan, Henry 6.4
Kaiser, Kim 9.8
Kaiser, Kit 9.2
Keane, Michael 7.4
Kearns, Bill 22.2
Kelly, John 12.1
Khuong, Q.T. 13.8
Kiemm, Andrew 14.1
Knight, Tony 9.1
Knight, Woody 18.4
Levitt, Jonathan 3.8
Mathieu, Robert 14.2
McCallion, Paul 15.6
McCloskey, James 8.1
McDaid, Michael 12.4
McDaniel, Bruce 1.9
Mers, Ronald 14.9
Metoyer, Bruce 15.0
Miller, Mickey 1.8
Molley, Thomas 7.1
Molnar, Greg 9.6
Moore, Tim 10.4
Morris, Kelly 3.4
Munoz, Mario 7.2
Nahin, Steve 15.7
Novlan, Tanner 10.1
Orta, Ray 10.3
Peters, Stephen 16.7
Pierson, David 10.6
Pierson, Shane 5.7
Quinlan, Rick 20.5
Reed, Charles 21.9
Richards, Scott 10.0
Riglin, Tim 24.3
Robilotta, Bob 13.5
Rush, Christopher 8.4
Rutkoski, David 4.1
Scott, Eddie 12.2
Senske, Jack 16.9
Shannon, John 23.5
Snider, James 3.6
Stevens, Bill 8.1
Stokes, Mark 5.4
Street, David 19.4
Tellkamp, Scott 10.6
Thomas, Jeff +0.5
Valentine, Michael 12.6
Vickers, Shaun 2.3
Villegas, Victor 13.4
Visser, Ryan 9.4
Willson, Matt 14.1
Wilson, John 11.5
Wittenberg, Andrew 9.5
Wullschleger, Jim 22.2
Young, John 19.0
Younger, Rocky 10.2
Zimmerman, Ron 4.6